Cover Letters
When you start a resume you have to start with the cover letter first. Personally, I don't believe you have to write a cover letter when you send in resume's but that's just an opinion. So, if you are planning on writing a cover letter, this is what you should think of:
1. Explain why are are sending the resume
2. Tell how you learned about the position opening
3. Convince the reader to look at your resume
4. Call attention to elements of your background experience
5. Reflect attidtude
6. Provide referrals (if required, there's no need to send them if they're not required)
7. Indicate how and when you will get in touch with the company that you're applying for
With all of these elements in place, you should definitely keep this within one page, shoot for 3/4 of a page or less. No one wants to read a book for a cover letter, it's supposed to be an introduction, not an about the author type deal.
Until my next ridiculous assignment, here's a fun fact for you. The most shoplifted book is the Bible. At least their going to read the thing and be forgiven for stealing it.
I don't agree with all the things you said, but you did bring your own touch in while providing an overview of what cover letters are for. I tried to comment yesterday but this post wasn't available at that time.