In my last post I forgot to mention, amidst all of the awesomeness of Florida, that how I even got there, I was about to have my first plane flight, excluding field planes. I got a MONEY seat, right next to the window. Since it was only an hour and a half flight there it was do-able to just sit there and look out the window at the ground.
When it is your first flight on a plane, you're supposed to tell the Flight Attendant(s) and they will bring you a set of wings that you can put on your shirt, signifying your first flight (me losing my f-card, so to speak)! Below is a picture of me in my window seat, the other is me pointing to my sweet new set of wings (courtesy of Sun Country Airlines). I was sitting Mid-Plane right next to the wings (safest part of the plane).
Yesterday my car was towed. First time ever, that I have had my car towed, besides being in an accident. I was heading out of my house with my book-bag, banana, and coffee (the usual morning ritual) and looked for my car, which should have been right across the street from my house, but it had run away apparently! I have had problems in the past with my car horn randomly going off for insurmountable amounts of time, so I figured that someone called that in and my vehicle was towed away. In the back of my mind I couldn't help but smile, thinking about what the guy did while hooking my car up while the horn was blaring! Noisy Horn.... CLASSIC!
I woke up a roommate, he dropped me off at class and then I text my Mother, letting her know the details on what I thought had happened. She was hoping that the car wasn't stolen, what a joke. If my car (1994 Olds 88) was stolen, that person probably had the skills to break-in, wire the car, and drive away safely. If that person has those set of skills, why on earth would they steal my car. Worry-some mothers, have to deal with them (not saying it's a bad thing).
That afternoon I bummed a ride from a friend, and we went to try and find this place. We had the name of the place and general area of its location, but we couldn't find the place for the life of us. My friend, using his intelligence/phone, found it on his GPS and we were on our way. Still couldn't find the place, we were still in the general area, eventually, we found the place. Way to advertise your towing company with a 1 X 2 sign with your company name on it. Congrats, you're the dumbest towing company EVER! Anyways, I went in to the company, said I was the guy with the honking horn, and they just laughed at me. I paid my $60 for the (unnecessary) tow. Drove my car out of the lot, gave them the bird, and had my car back.
So, in the future, if you have a faulty horn, take the fuse out, or get it fixed. Either way is fine, either way works. Until next time, keep your hands on the wheel at 10 & 2, seatbelt buckled, and be sure to fill your car with horn fluid, because you don't want to run out!
*Reminder, there is no such thing as horn fluid, so if you thought there was such a thing as horn fluid, hopefully you were by yourself. That way others cannot make fun of your stupidity.
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